Industry Applications Society

Message From Chairperson
IEEE Industry Applications Society is globally recognized as one of the most active societies within IEEE that covers the areas of industry. IEEE Industry Applications Society SBC of ASIET keeps the same legacy in organizing events with the vision and mission to create a connection between academia and industry. Being the chair of this Student Branch Chapter, it is my duty to keep up this legacy and provide opportunities for members to take up the role of volunteer as well as to participate in the events and ensure they have gained their potential which may be helpful for them in their journey. So, I will make sure that I will organize events that obey the society’s vision and mission and will take the support of IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala for further events if needed.
Kochuthresia Anietta P S
IAS Chairperson
Our Past Events
2nd July 2021 A webinar on the topic “Reconfigurable Digital...
Read MoreAQUADEATE 2.0
9th May 2021 AQUADEATE 2.0, an online treasure hunt competition...
Read MoreUnraveling House Wiring
20th September, 2020 A webinar on the topic ‘Unraveling House...
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