About Us

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Below, you can find IEEE’s mission and vision statements.


IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.



IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.


IEEE SB ASIET was officially inaugurated in 2011. Under the guidance of our esteemed branch counsellors, we have climbed greater heights ever since. Our student memebers have been selected to student activity committee of kerala section as well as Indian council year after year owing to their volunteering skills. We have been hosts to international conferences, national level events and a bevy of workshops and programmes that motivate students to pursue the finer edge of technology.

              Our WIE (Women In Engineering) affinity group, IAS (Industry Applications Society), CS (Computer Society), SPS (Signal Processing Society), IMS (Instrumentation and Measurement Society), PES (Power and Energy Society) and RAS (Robotics and Automation Society) chapters provide plethora of opportunities to student members for honing their skills and interests.

Ms. Neema M

Branch Counselor

Message From Branch Counselor

As the branch counselor of IEEE Student Branch ASIET, I welcome you to IEEE family. IEEE is the world’s largest technical community dedicated to advancing technology and for the benefit of mankind. The IEEE Student Branch promise to promote its preeminence among students in associated fields and ensure a smooth transition into an able and qualified engineer of tomorrow. The student branch of ASIET aims to organise various events that helps to enhance the overall growth and development of our students and we shall continue to work for the same. I wish all the IEEE members great success for their future endeavors.

Ms. Neema M

Assistant Professor | IEEE SB Counselor

Message From Chairperson

IEEE Student Branch ASIET has always been a true example for anyone who is passionate about volunteering and works for upliftment of society using evolving technologies. Over the years it has been a platform for its student members to explore themselves and treat themselves with a plethora of opportunities. This organisation has witnessed it members rising to great heights and honor through their tireless efforts and hard work.

Taking on this responsibility I would try to conduct more intra SB events, training sessions, Industrial Visits etc for the members which would help them to gain technical skills and knowledge.


IEEE SB Chairperson


IEEE SB Chairperson

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