16 May 2023

LIbrary Advancement andRevitalization for Collabrative Learning (LAARC)

The Library Advancement and Revitalization for Collaborative Learning (LAARC) project, led by Sam K. Saju, aims to transform the Kanaka Public Library in Paniely, Kerala, into a modern educational and community hub. Launched under IEEE’s humanitarian initiative, LAARC addresses issues such as outdated digital tools and deteriorating infrastructure. IEEE SB ASIETnsecured a $3,216 grant, showcasing effective leadership and financial management. The project focuses on digitizing library content, upgrading infrastructure, and creating a welcoming space for local youth.

The team's leadership was crucial in rallying support, managing resources, and training a team to implement necessary upgrades. His efforts have turned the library into a vibrant center for learning and social interaction. LAARC also fostered community involvement through a successful book drive, demonstrating how technology can meet fundamental community needs. The project is set for future advancements, including additional digital resources and energy-efficient technologies. This proactive approach ensures the library remains impactful and relevant. Overall, LAARC highlights the positive effects of merging technical skills with humanitarian goals.